Get-togethers for Aiglon Alums on Classic Gaff-Rig Yachts
Join other Aiglon alumni later this year for some camaraderie, reminiscing, and old-school gaff-rig sailing aboard our two classic pilot cutters. If you own your own boat, please feel free to join the party. Departure will be from our home base in St-Malo. Stay on one of our cutters or, if you want more privacy and amenities, in a hotel of your choice. Our first reunion expedition is scheduled for 22–25 August (four nights/four days), if COVID will cooperate. Come alone or bring the family. By all means, bring some old Aiglon classmates. Contact Will Sutherland for more details or to be put on our mailing list. If you plan to play it safe and stay home this summer, contact us anyway just to say “hi” and let us know what you’re up to.