One boat, two boats, cool boats, fun boats

Our two pilot cutters are faithful reproductions of an original 1891 cutter designed by St-Malo boatwright François Lemarchand.  Originally designed and built to guide larger ships into harbor, our yachts have been repurposed to become unique classrooms at sea. 

Cutters are large enough to be eminently seaworthy (46 feet), but small enough so that novice sailors can quickly learn to trim the sails, take a turn at the helm, and make navigation decisions. To see a 10-minute conversation about our pilot cutters (on our blog), click or tap here. (QBE director Will Sutherland explains how pilot cutters are some of the safest boats ever built.)

Each boat is meticulously maintained, and they are inspected regularly to ensure safety. 

There's also safety in numbers. That's why we always travel in a small flotilla. Because the boats are in the same class, there's no opportunity for one boat to race ahead of the other. Participants get the chance to sail each boat, learn their individual personalities, and get to know each member participating in the course. 

And be advised: Every time you sail into a port, people will be taking your picture (and posting to social media). The boats always attract a lot of attention. It's not uncommon for several dozen people to crowd around the yachts to try to get a good look.
