Exceptional Outdoor Adventure: Expert sailing instruction + cultural, ecological, and self discovery on classic gaff-rig boats.
What to Expect
During each two- or three-week expedition, everyone takes turns learning and practicing the team tasks that sailing requires. We provide numerous opportunities for each expeditioner to make decisions and take responsibility for the various activities on the boats—everything from setting the itinerary to steering, choosing and trimming the sails, setting the course, navigating obstructions, giving the team orders, housekeeping, and making the meals and hot drinks. In such close quarters, participants quickly learn the importance of tolerance, trust, collaboration, and patience, not to mention the advantages of physical and mental fitness.
Remember, too, that there are boats and then… there are BOATS. Traditionally rigged yachts have over a mile of rope that can be manipulated to achieve greater speed, unlike most modern sailboats. That means everybody has to pitch in to keep up with the "rival" boat. In fact, it's hard to think of a better way to teach teamwork than working together on a gaff-rig yachting crew.
On land, the group visits historic sites, cultural fairs, and museums. Ports along the Brittany coast and in the Channel Islands are rich in history and culture. And on sunny days, we take walks along coastal paths and explore seaside towns.
The leadership component of a QBE course is ultimately about "becoming"—becoming self-confident enough to make calculated decisions and persuade others to follow. About developing a resourcefulness forged by challenges. And about overcoming the paralysis caused by a fear of failure or lack of motivation.
That's why we do what we do the way we do it—the way we've done it for years. And why it's not uncommon for students, standing at the bow of a pilot cutter under full sail, to be struck by a rush of exhilaration and a sudden surprising awareness of their amazing potential.
“...sailing in general has really become a passion for [my son]. He is working 4 days a week to pay for his summer adventure. School became a priority after he realized he wanted to attend a maritime academy.””